If I were magnificent
as a red summer rose,
I'd peel off my petals,
. ..... .... but since I have none,
I'd peel off my clothes.
So if I were magnificent
as a red summer rose,
I'd rub my socks
right under your nose.
If I were magnificent
as an evergreen tree,
I'd rain with pine cones,
..... ..... but since I grow none,
I'll rain with ...
Oh gosh.
..... Dear me.
That's going nowhere good.
I'm not doing this as well
as I know I could.
If a rose or a tree were
as magnificent as I,
They'd tell you they love you,
..... ..... but since they can't write,
I try for them. I try.
I am magnificent because
I reach for the sky.
We're full of potential-
Yes, you and I.
And when I'm not-magnificent
as I am, now and then,
I'll search for betterment,
..... ..... seek what I don't have
till I'm ten outta ten.
So when I'm not-magnificent,
as I am, now and then,
I'll simply start over.

Two things that make me magnificent: my willingness to love, and my willingness to try. Both of which I do, again and again. The prompt is in response to Litebeing's Magnificent Challenge. This is written in Shel Silverstein's style for the Daily Post's prompt to write something in the style of another. And, of course, it's all part of NanoPoblano, the blog every day fiesta that has taken over WordPress with a legion of spicy peppers. I've listed all of them under this badge.