Creativity Magazine

I Asked for a Love Letter.

Posted on the 27 September 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur
Looking towards the future!

The weekend where you earned your stripes as a brother, for all of my five siblings. There we were– looking towards the future!

Dear Dave,

Last night, I asked for a love letter in honor of Love Note day– today, September 26th.  You are a writer and a romantic, so I didn’t think this would be a problem at all.

You didn’t write one.

I saw you thinking about it when you were doing a last minute load of laundry for me at midnight.  You made a joke about it, just a few hours later, when finishing up the dishes I forgot to wash again.

I wasn’t feeling too well, so you tucked me in bed.  You cared for our cats, wrote out a grocery list, set the alarm so I wouldn’t be frantic in the morning, and put on a movie for us to watch together.  I know you were looking forward to scary movies, but you opted for something that would make me laugh.

I asked again if you were going to write a love letter for me, and you said probably not– but you’re a writer and a romantic.  I still expected one.

That time you stayed up for three days to help me finish a project.

That time you stayed up for three days to help me finish a project.

We woke up early and drove up to my sister’s house.  It’s a long drive, on your least favorite freeway, and you wouldn’t have had to go along at all if I could drive.  It was hot, and our carefully planned meal schedule was disrupted for the trip, so you weren’t feeling your best.  You didn’t say anything, though, when I sang along to all the songs at full volume.

I asked if you had started the love letter, and you said no.  I reminded you that love letters are how people know that someone loves them and we continued that conversation into my sister’s house, where I was supposed to babysit.


The time I was too sick to leave the house, and you made pretend that we were doing it on purpose.

When you told her that you loved her too, she asked why.  You and I exchanged a look and laughed because I had been asking you a similar question all day.  You told her it was because she was so thoughtful, which is the perfect answer to give a 3-year-old girl.


The time you stood in line for hours to get me into the show I wanted to see.

I asked for a love letter, and you never did write one, but I want you to know– I received it.

It was a love letter written with action, patience, and sacrifice.  It is not the type of letter that will make it into a textbook or a best seller’s list, but it will stand the test of time.  It is not the type of letter that someone else could read, but we have our own language made up of the nuances that are important to us.

Nearly 7 Years Ago

The time we made the most important vows of our life, nearly 7 years ago. It was a last minute shindig, assembled a month earlier than our planned wedding date because my family was difficult to schedule.

I lived your love letter today– as I do every day.

It’s how I know you love me.

I hope you remember that I always notice every little thing you to do make my life easy, happy, and safe.  In a manner of speaking, me noticing these things is my love letter to you.

And though I am not much of a writer, and even less of a romantic, I hope you are able to read it as clearly as I read yours.

With everlasting love,


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