You know I'm all about that Change, bout that Change, no complacence. All about that Change, bout that Change, no complacence. All about that Change, bout that Change, no complacence. All about that change, bout that change. I'm bringing Joy Baaacccckkkk! Go ahead and tell all them haters thaaaatttt! You negative Nellies don't know how to act!!! I'm hear to tell ya being complacent is over change and new things is where it's at...
Highlights! What do you think?
OOPS my inner Meghan Trainor took over for a minute there. I was looking at a picture of my new hair color thinking I like it, I was ready to change it and this was the right change. Then I started thinking about how different my life is right now compared to last year this time. Last year this time I was dating someone and realizing it wasn't going to work out. I was feeling unsure about Valentine's Day plans and just sad that this guy would not be my Mr. Joy Chaser. Other than dating the only remotely interesting things I had going on were work, blogging and friends.
This year I have made a few positive changes. I am trying new things to be more social. I below to a bowling league through work (I'm not very good) and I will begin attending a twice monthly church social meet up this month. I still have not found my Mr. Joy Chaser, however I have decided to do things a bit out of order and (considering my age) pursue becoming a mom first. I have joined a few Single Mother By Choice groups online and will be getting to know some local Philly moms soon. On the work front I applied for a promotion and am waiting to hear back. Obviously I'm still blogging. People still like me so I still have friends. Things are different and I feel optimistic and encouraged about my future.
Overall these changes, including my hair color, have me feeling much more fulfilled than at this same time last year. Feeling more fulfilled did not just happen. All of these changes have taken effort. I was not complacent and waiting for life to just be different. I made changes and tried new things. When I think about it, that is what this blog has been about from the beginning, trying new things and making changes to have more Joy.
Have you made any changes since this time last year? Do you struggle with complacency? Is there one new thing that you'd like to try that you've been putting off? Try it now!