Self Expression Magazine

I’m Such a Tease. I Was Teaching You Patience.

Posted on the 08 March 2014 by Mummyflyingsolo @mummyflyingsolo

There I was in my last post announcing that you’d be waiting at least a week before hearing from me again when all along I had a post coming out today. Surprise!

This is the decoy post, the real post is hanging out over at the gorgeous Perfection Pending where the hilarious and beautiful Meredith keeps house. Have you been to her house before? If not, then you need to go. Well, you need to go to read my post, but then you need to stay and poke around. She has nice things. Seriously.

My post, funnily enough, is about how I found my imperfect patience and as a result changed from a mostly screaming banshee to a mostly calm mommy (ahem I said mostly)See how that ties in with how I was keeping you patient? Do you like that? I’m tricky sometimes.

Thanks for going over there to check it out. Me love you long time.

Rachael xx

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