Creativity Magazine

I Might Be a Robot.

Posted on the 06 February 2014 by Rarasaur @rarasaur
Say Cheese!

Say Cheese!

Dave and I have been talking a lot about all the robot discrimination on the internet.   If you think about it, CAPTCHA exists for the sole purpose of disallowing them a part in conversation.  That’s just plain rude.
Dave:  Maybe we should just adjust our standard CAPTCHA with a version specifically designed to filter out the non-empathetic bots.
Me: … Thus leaving the door open to the sentient robots our great-grand-children might one day marry.   Great idea! What sort of question would we ask?
Dave: How about “When you watch a sunset, how does it make you feel?”
Me: I don’t understand the question.  Also, how would we know what a non-empathetic bot would answer?
Dave: *takes a step back* I think it’s globally recognized that a robot would say, “I don’t understand the question.”


So apparently it’s possible that I’m a robot, which would explain my troubles with CAPTCHAs, and which may or may not be related to my time travel issues.

Such is life.

As a possible robot though, I feel a responsibility to speak out against unfair CAPTCHA practices.

Do your part to end robot discrimination today, y’all.  There’s plenty of room for more love in our world.

via Still Eating Oranges.

Awwww.  via Still Eating Oranges.


(Robot with camera (Phil) is getting his moment of fame as my contribution to the Weekly Photo Challenge over at the Daily Post.  Isn’t he adorable? )


When you watch a sunset, how does it make you feel?

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