Self Expression Magazine

Idiot Bartender of The Day Award: Albert Bykov

Posted on the 07 May 2013 by Sublo @bigolburb
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Gotta love the Ruski’s sense of boldness, aye? The former U.S.S.R. collective often seems to embody an environment apparent lawlessness. Or, at least it’s portrayed that way in American media. The nearly ubiquitous Dashcams-Gone-Wild typically document the effects of such an disorganized state of affairs; reminding me of something – not unlike – post-war [former] Yugoslavia. This time, however, it was a semi-intentional stunt-gone-wrong captured via smartphone at an imbibery.

Now look, despite Bloombergia’s dystopian, draconian, ruleset, I’ve set many a Romana Sambucca, Dr. Pepper shots, and Banane Flambée to dripping blue flame for presentation purposes. Nothing this side of Flair Bartending is as spectacular. I don’t do it as often as I used to these days, but whatever. Regardless, I’d never would I dream of pouring flames into a anyone’s pie-hole. WTF?

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