How was your week? I hope it was a good one. If it wasn't maybe you can make up for it over the weekend. Make some fun plans. If you have been reading along as I set SMART Goals you know one of y goals is t have more fun and part of that is having something planned for the weekends. I can't hang out with Oprah every weekend so this weekend my fun thing is dinner out with one of my girlfriends. I'm looking forward to catching up with her and maybe even discussing old times.
Speaking of old times, It's #FlashbackFriday!!! #FlashbackFriday is a great way to increase traffic to your blog Every Friday on Chasing Joy we flash back to some of our older posts to give them a moment in the spotlight. Pick any older post you like and add it below. Link ups are fun!!! You can also increase blog traffic by sharing your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and on Twitter using the hashtag #FlashbackFriday. Also, I will Pin your post to the new #FlashbackFirday Pinterest Board,
My favorite post from last week's link up is Julie V's Post Chicken Shawarma. Julie says, "Shawarma is an Arabic dish, very seasoned meat served on pitas" Sounds good to me!This week I am linking up A Joyful Detour. This post is about a time when I got a little lost while walking my dog Hurt in the park. The detour lead us to a discovery and learning all about Disc Golf. That was a great afternoon. Boy, do I miss my pup!!!
Now it is your turn. Increase blog traffic, find new readers, and new blogs via the power of the linky. Add your link below!
Leave a comment telling us what you are linking up this week.