Holy smokes. Have you ever tried to add text and handwriting to your photos?
Is it some hidden secret? Why doesn’t anyone tell the secret?
Get ready. I’m about to spill the beans.
I’m sharin’ with sugar bear.
How do I do it?
While the rest of the world is asleep, my menopausal body decides to have a wide awake party.
I have a glow worm in my house in the middle of the night. It’s called an iPad. I feel like Darth Vader with a glow wand.
I think I’m in love. Apple love. I’m crushing on iPad apps.
I tip toe to the treehouse in the middle of the night and play on the iPad. That is how exciting my life is.
Party animal, right?
It’s where I do my creative thinking. And my best learning.
I’ve learned how to :
1. Recycle
2. Upcycle
3. Get through a menopausal cycle. { aka hot flash }
Want to know how to do that too?
The text on photos part, not the hot flash part. Ohhhmerrrgawd. *sweat*
Let me know in the comments.
If you want to know the insider secrets, I’ll teach you.
Because I love you like that.
PS. I need your help ! My daughters boyfriend entered a contest for Fruttare Canada. He is one awesome guy and he needs some help to win the contest. He needs LIKES <- I screamed that word, he really needs your help…..on this photo on the Fruttare Facebook Page.
You don’t even need to like the Facebook page ( I realize that is a commitment)… just likes and shares on the actual photo here on the FB page.
Pretty please with a cherry on top.
In exchange, I will teach you cool things to do with your photos. Also, I might even kiss you. On the lips. I roll like that.
Dare me? Double dare me?