Self Expression Magazine

Inspired to Thrive on Make It Happen Monday

Posted on the 16 April 2012 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Good Morning Joy Chasers,
I hope you had a good morning.  If you are tired this morning I hope it is from having too much fun this weekend.  My weekend had some highs and some lows.  The highs did include Margaritas so that is a big plus :-)
No matter how good the weekend was Monday always arrives to greet us too quickly.  But the good thing is we do our best to avoid coming down with A Case of the Mondays and instead we share in #MakeItHappenMonday and focus on setting goals for a good week. 
If you keep up with me on Facebook and Twitter you may remember that a few weeks ago one of my goals was to finish my guest post for my friend Lisa from Inspire to Thrive.  Well mission accomplished.  So today after you decide on your goals for the week visit Inspire To Thrive and checkout my guest post.
Happy Make It Happen Monday

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