This is coming out truthfully of a guy who readabout women in Islam and found himself subconsciously nodding. Everyregulation makes complete sense. The kind of rationality that you miss whenyou're dating and squashing all the religious boundaries one boundary at atime whereas the support of the society is impeding you from listening tothe screaming, most innate voice in you; the one that achieves total congruencewith our righteous nature of Islam.
Women in Islam are given numerous rightssupporting their accentuated value and significance in the society. Misconceptionsrevolve mainly about targeting the weakly acquainted with Islam to persuadethem with the existence of a much more comprehensive set of rights for women ina life style other than that of Islam. Establishing grotesque associations with precise religious appearancesplants a deep psychological fear of embracing a life style of the most beautifuland securing teachings I am being frank. I am a guy. I know that it'snot easy for a good-hearted female to defy the hype and claim decisiveness. Iknow that security and emotional comfort is a goal of many young-heartedfemales. I know that eying a big screen in a dimly lit theatre, watching blue-eyedmen offering exorbitant coats for the well-being of an attractive, almostperfect female in a rainy day is a true delight. I know that that can becomethe content of your dreams for a great deal of time. I will never be in yourplace. Never will I perfectly understand what roams restlessly in the mind of adreaming female in a moment of silence. But…when I read more about Islam from righteoussources and how it signifies women, I just…wish that they can understandthat they will surely earn divine respect and dignity in the eyes of male youngsterswho could no longer resist objectifying and craving women. I wish they canunderstand that the notions that the media project of Islam is false, that ourprophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him) was a fine, helping man who set thestandards for how a real man should appreciate his life partner.
I have a sister. I love her. I've committedcruel mistakes in communicating with her. Many times did I try to advise herwith the sole intention of being protective. My unpolished maturity failed memany times. I kept learning. I learned that listening is an art in which yourears tense and your lips numb. I learned that it's not easy and that Allah ismerciful. I also learned that there's no compulsion in religious choices; thatyou can only advise with a passionate hope for a gentle response. I learnedthat we're all good at heart. That you shouldn't beat yourself up about thesins that once colored your life with pitch blackness. I learned…that women areprecious and that marriage is a sacred responsibility that should bedisregarded by those who cannot understand what does being man enough mean.
Real Muslims treat women with the utmostrespect. Our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told us, '' the best of you are the oneswho are the best to their spouses, and I am the best to mine.'' How canpossibly a religion with such magnificent teachings be replaced by a culture aimingat helping guys think SEX as a word starting with an ''S'!? How it can bereplaced by a hype that has consumed young men by inferior concerns for datingand crying over recent break ups while having no solid and respectable goals inlife?! Yes, there are REPULSIVELY ignorant and misguided Muslims abusing women,accepting being consumed by wrongful cultural practices that has ABSOLUTELYNOTHING to do with Islam. But this is NOT Islam! You don't know accuse a car ofhitting a person. It doesn't make ''sense,'' because the ones who are takingthe lead are responsible. Islam isinnocent of the deficient application of Muslims.
'' I thank Allah for being acquainted withIslam before being acquainted with Muslims,'' a respectable, recent convert toIslam uttered these true words. This man experienced a life sponsored byreckless desires; yet, was truthful and sincere enough to embrace thetruth-Islam- as soon as he came to terms with it. What shocked him deeply ishow beautiful Islam is and how irrelevant the practices of Muslims to Islamare. He condemned ruthlessly how we're contributing to the nourishment of misconceptions,how being disrespectful to women, idle, dreamless, and deficient in faithcovers up the core, unmatched competency of Islam, which is having it meetingthe intellectual sense of whoever is seeking the truth. I instinctively bit mylower lip and sighed as soon as I heard his statement. I know he's right. On apersonal level, I know that... I am not an acceptable representation of Islam'sessence. I know that disregarding the prior-to-marriage limitations establishedwith engineered wisdom is a total disrespect to women. It’s funny how a girlcan scoff at a guy because he chooses to be solid and follow Allah's orders. Heain't cool enough in the eyes of many. Why? Because he chose to respect womenby not contacting them on the basis of seeking self-indulgence! How uncivilized!Respectable and professional emailing is just a bummer for many. Videoconferencing is way cooler! An up-to-date ice breaker!
Usually, I don't state proofs, simply becauseyou can Google them in a split-second. I concentrate more on attempting toarouse an eager for changing a misconception. I am a Muslim and I perfectly,solidly, and profoundly understand the true value of women In Islam. Kindlychoose the right sources from which you can drive information for viewsestablishment. Beat your resistance and explore the sayings of prophet Muhammad(PBUH).
Islam induces self-control, learning, gentleness,decisiveness, modesty, humbleness, and intelligence in dealing with life andits encounters. Aspiring and fulfilling personal dreams for both males &females are essentials in Islam provided that adherence to rules is ensured. The ''righteous'' form of Hijab is atruly complete way of modesty and protection as well as beauty. Following thelead of man-made resolutions projected through high definition, high-budgetmovies will only consume you with a fictional and unattainable manner ofliving. Islam's genuine and true, the real, gentleness-inclusive one though;not the one sculptured to include acts of terrorism and abidance byprimitiveness and seclusion from the society.
Women in Islam are signified and appreciated asmentioned earlier. Anything calling for breaking our impeccable religiousteachings for the purpose of attaining independence and liberty is a maskedattempt to objectify and dehumanize in intelligent ways that regular, unawarepeople will not be able to debunk. See through the misconceptions and falsenotions about the greatest and most purifying way of life. Secure youremotions, trust in your creator, and never accept beating yourself up aboutwhat has become part of a fading past that your guilt chooses to enlarge. --------------------------------------------ιиѕριяє∂ вy: Reading about women in Islam from the point of views of new female Muslims, as well as observing the significant impact of women on the society that can inspire crucial harmfulness or sheer growth and positivity.