Diaries Magazine

January 30 Day Challenge

Posted on the 30 January 2013 by Bellshann @bellshann
Well, this is the challenge....challenge accepted!

Well, this is the challenge….challenge accepted!


This 30 Day Challenge is more writing and was very last-minute! I forgot how hectic college gets…

1. Your current relationship - I am happily in a relationship ( http://kieronexley.wordpress.com < His blog) ….It’s the 30th today which means we’ve been together exactly 5 months…and a wonderful 5 months at that :)

2. Where you’d like to be in 10 years - In 10 years I’ll be 28…I would have hoped to have completed uni (maybe), traveled a little and hopefully have moved out into my own home. Late twenties/early thirties is a perfect time to have children so maybe I’ll be looking forward to meeting little Delilah (Yes, I’ve chosen my baby’s name and I hope to  God I have a girl!) Work is also very important to me so hopefully I’ll have chosen my career path and I’ll be on the way to succeeding!

3. Your top 5 pet peeves - Number 1. I’ll start with the one thing that I cannot physically stand. I mean it. It makes my blood boil, I’m even sitting here getting angry thinking about it! LOUD EATERS. There is no need! Why do people open their mouths when eating? Does it make it tastier? In actual fact no it doesn’t. I tried it. I sat there one day and tried eating with my mouth open to see what enjoyment I get out of it and I can tell you I got none!

Number 2. People talking over the top of someone else. How hard is it to wait 60 seconds and then say what you want to say? Apparently very hard for some. Which kind of brings me onto number 3, loud talkers! Necessary? I think not. Not unless I am in fact on the other side of the world, like some people seem to think.

Number 4. When people are late. Now I’m not saying that I’m perfect and I’m always on time. What the hell, yes I am! I’d rather be an hour early than an hour late.

Number 5. Blue ink. I know this is probably not a very common pet peeve, but I literally really hate blue ink. I’d rather not write that write in blue ink. So never write to me in blue ink!

4. Your view on religion - Hmm now this is an interesting one. I am most definitely not religious and I don’t believe anything specific, but I am however open to suggestions and faiths. If something has never been proven, how on earth could someone be 100% either way? No one will ever know for sure if religion is real, I think it’s just whether you want to believe or not. As for me, I just like believing in fairies.

5. Your favorite comfort foods and why -  Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. Peanut butter kitkats to be precise. And why? Because they taste divine and make me happy!

6. Your zodiac sign and if you think it suits your personality - I’m a Scorpio (November 17th) I found out these two interesting facts which I’ll focus on for this question…

Your biggest strength – Your passion about your feelings
Your potential weakness – Need for secrecy can be isolating

I definitely agree with these two statements. I’m a very strong-minded person, especially about a subject I really care about. It’s understandable that people have different opinions but it’s important that all are voiced. I’m also quite a secret person I guess…I think the word personal would fit better.

7. Your favorite childhood toys - I don’t really remember much from my childhood but one thing I do remember playing with is a Barbie Airplane. It was amazing. It had a little water and ice dispenser and you could move all the little people around! I remember my friend Shaun coming round to play after primary school one day and he loved it just as much as me! :P

8. A moment you felt most satisfied with your life - Now this is a very tricky question. As I’m only 18, I don’t feel like there is a significant memory where I have felt really satisfied with my life. Should I be a little older the answer to this would probably be raising a child, creating a family and a marriage, owning my own home, having a good career, but those things are all to come in the future. Right now I would say I feel most satisfied when I’ve had a good day. Just something as simple as that.

9. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? - I’d have my own magazine, or publishing company. I’d write anything and everything that made me happy and organize it all onto its own page with pretty, vintage pictures and drawings everywhere.

10. Your guilty pleasure - One direction. I will say no more. Actually yes I will…who doesn’t have a boogie at ‘What Makes you Beautiful’ and a little heart tingle at ‘Little Things’!?

11. Put your iPod on shuffle and write the first 10 songs that pop up - 1. Twin Atlantic – Make a beast of myself (FAB SONG) 2. AFI – Kill Caustic (Currently head banging!) 3. Green Day – Peacemaker 4. Charlie Simpson – Riverbanks (beautiful song) 5. Black Veil Brides – Fallen Angels (I can’t say I listen to these but I like the sound of this…) 6. Biffy Clyro – Cloud of Stink 7. Stone Sour – Blue Study 8. Green Day – Sweet Children 9. Green Day – The Judge’s Daughter (I know I love Green Day but I’m not fixing this I promise!) 10. Blink 182 – Stockholm Syndrome.

12. Bullet your whole day -  I must admit I do these blog posts just as and when I can throughout the month so I’m going to bullet my favorite day of the month :)
26th January 2013 (Going to London)
- Planned to get up nice and early….of course this didn’t happen, snuggles are much more appealing at 8 in the morning
- Finally showered and dressed and got to the train station at 11
- I stupidly tried putting my train ticket through a barrier that was already opened and wondered why it wouldn’t take my ticket, Kieron in the mean time laughed at me!
- We tried out a new lens technique that Kieron found – being the geeks that we are!
- Listened to music and dramatically looked out of the window
- Arrived at the Tim Walker exhibition and it was amaaaazing :D

Story Teller!

Story Teller!

- Then we ate near the London Eye whilst listening to some buskers.
- Decided to go to Camden for some street photography…found out the Northern line wasn’t running, but we still decided to walk there! Took us 3 hours after walking through Trafalgar Square, Carnaby Street, Oxford Circus and God knows where else!
- We had a much-needed cup of tea and then had a stroll round Camden
- Got back on the train, was nice to sit down
- Then got to the bus station and (unknowingly) we waited for a bus for over an hour in the freezing cold
- Returned home to warm shower and more snuggles :D I was tired, but it was such a lovely day :)

13. Somewhere you’d like to move or visit - I want to visit as many places as possible in my life time…but I’d love to live in London. I do like peace and quiet but I’d love to live knowing there’s a whole city on my doorstep…literally.

14. Your earliest memory – As I mentioned earlier I don’t remember much from my childhood, but I do have quite an early memory from when I was 3. Myself and my family were camping in Sandringham (A place very close to my heart) and I was messing around on an inflatable sofa…naturally I fell off and broke my arm! I only fractured it but broken sounds much more dramatic and it hurt just as much I’m sure! Luckily, I broke it whilst wearing my favorite top so I got to stay in that for a couple of days!

15. Write 15 interesting facts about yourself - Good God are there even 15 interesting facts about myself!? Okay I’ll try!

1. One of my most favorite smells is film and chemical mix…going into a darkroom is delightful for me!
2. One minute I’ll be motivated to do anything in the world, the next I’ll just want to sleep
3. I need my space and ‘me time’…otherwise I’m pretty grumpy
4. The simplest of things make me happy….Cuddles, books, feathers, fairy dust….it’s always the little things
5. I don’t really like being alone in the dark
6. I believe that there is something after we die…I don’t believe that we can just be gone and that’s that
7. I believe that there is one person for everyone in the world
8. I am completely and utterly obsessed with Green Day…
9. I’m a complete geek when it comes to notebooks and stationery…
10. I’m not very good at making decisions
11. I’ve never been on a plane! Although I think that will change this July…scary stuff!
12. I worry a lot
13. I dream of travelling
14. My favorite chocolate bar is a peanut butter kitkat <3
15. I like to go to coffee shops for peace and quiet

16. Your views on mainstream music - Um, I suppose I don’t really have a view. If I like it I’ll listen to it, if I don’t, I won’t!

17. Your highs and lows of this past year - Well we’re in January so I’m going to talk about last year very briefly.
Lows: Getting poorly with glandular fever, missing many weeks of college because of it and it spoiled Christmas. Boo. Can’t think of much else so that’s good!
Highs: My Dad moved back from Wales to live closer to me, my sister and my aunty :D It was the best news!
I went on a summer holiday around France and Belgium with my Dad, not to mention I saw Green Day in Paris!
I did a group exhibition with my photography work.
I assisted a shoot for Look magazine in London.
I turned 18!
And last but not least, I met the most wonderful person in my life, Kieron <3

18. A book you could read over and over again and never get sick of - Quite simply, Harry Potter!

19. Your biggest regret in life - I don’t really regret much, I’m 18 for goodness sake!

20. How important do you think education is - Funny question…I’m asking my self that right now and have been for the past 6 months. How important is it really? I’m someone who would like to work in the world of media and I’m starting to think that experience is perhaps more important that education….agree?

21. One of your favorite T.V shows -  The Big Bang Theory…it’s brilliant! Makes me laugh every time…I’m not sure my boyfriend will tell you the same thing :P

22. How have you changed in the past two years? - I’ve realised what’s important in life and what isn’t. I’m still working on it, but I don’t worry nearly as much…what will happen, will happen, so what’s the point in worrying about it?
Other than that I don’t think I’ve changed much..I’m still just as ambitious and living in my own pretty bubble!

23. Post 5 pictures of famous people you find attractive - Easy!

A lot of people think I'm crazy, but I think Pete Doherty is a beautiful man!

A lot of people think I’m crazy, but I think Pete Doherty is a beautiful man!

Mr Gerard Butler

Mr Gerard Butler

My childhood love...and still is, Charlie Simpson!

My childhood love…and still is, Charlie Simpson!

Adam Brody

Adam Brody

And last but certainly not least...y one and only (sorry Kieron) ...Billie Joe Armstrong!

And last but certainly not least…my one and only (sorry Kieron) …Billie Joe Armstrong!

24. Your favorite movie and what it is about - Well I could sit here and talk about all 8 Harry Potter movies…or Love Actually…or The Holiday…it’s so difficult to choose my favourites! I’m sure you all know what Harry Potter is about…and the last two are basically lovey dovey beautiful films!

25. Someone who fascinates you and why - My friend Kiran…she’s a quiet, lovely girl who I met at secondary school. She’s Indian and I have found myself asking her lotssss of questions in the past about her religion. I find it so interesting how someone so close to me leads a very different life. I don’t get to see her much anymore but I still count her as a very close friend. She comes out with the most funniest things sometimes and it’s very refreshing when all you hear about is bitching and moaning!

26. If you had $1,000,000 how would you spend it? - I’d convert it to pounds! First, I’d literally go to London and buy anything I want. I’d buy pretty clothes and shoes and jewelry and bags and make-up and books and god knows what! I’d also buy a Hasselblad ;)
Then I’d sit down carefully and split it into groups. (Money for family/friends, charities, a house, future, investments….more books.) I’d pay off families mortgages so we have no money worries…what’s better than that? Other than more books?
OH and I’d book a flight to wherever I wanted to go, and I’d go!

27. A problem you have or have had in the past - I worry about weight far too much. No matter what, it’s always on the mind!

28. Something that you miss - Time. Where does time go?

29. List 10 people, dead or alive, you would invite to dinner. Include the menu - OH interesting..okay: Billie Joe, Tre Cool, Mike Dirnt, Jason White, Jason Freeze, Jeff Matika, Amy Winehouse, Pete Doherty, Marian Keyes and Don McCullin. Musicians too drool over and listen to their music, Marian Keyes to write about it and Don McCullin to tell us his stories and take photos! Quite a mix of people I know but if I only get one chance I need to make the most! And the menu? I’m not much of a cook…whatever is on the take away menu!

30. Your goals for the next 30 days - Complete a documentary and do the February 30 day challenge properly!!


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