Self Expression Magazine

Jars of Faith & Joy

Posted on the 06 January 2014 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Jars of Faith & Joy I am not the craftiest person.  For the most part I leave that up to my DIY mavens like Cherise from ispaci.  However every once and a while, when inspiration strikes, I will pick up the scissors and glue and get to work.
Well inspiration has struck.  Actually it struck twice.  Once at the very begening of 2013, and then again at Blogalicious 5.  It wasn’t long after the New Year in 2013 that I first heard about this craft project.  It is a year long project so I figured I’d wait until this year to do it.    Then at Blogalicious 5 during one of the sessions that was for bloggers who also maintain full time non-blogging jobs @CoachmUpBoni just happened to mention her take on it. I loved her spin on it so I decided to do it both ways.
This is a really easy craft project.  You can be as ornate or simple as you want.  All you really need is two jars.
The first jar I call my Joy Jar. This jar will collect all of the things that give me joy in 2014. Every time something good happens.  I write it on a little piece of paper and put in in the Jar.  Then at the end of the year I will open the jar and reflect on all the Joyful things that occurred this year.  This is basically a very concrete way of counting my blessings.  I don’t remember where I first heard about the Joy Jar.  I think there were several different people doing it at the beginning of 2013.
The 2nd Jar I call my Faith Jar.  The Faith Jar was the one introduced to me at Blogalicious 5 by @CoachmUpBoni.  This Jar is like the Joy Jar but with a twist.  Instead of waiting for the good thing to happen you add it to your Jar ahead of time.  Actually the idea is when you pray about something you write it down on a piece of paper and put it in the Faith Jar.  This Jar will house all of the things that you have prayed for and have Faith that God will provide for you.  The idea is that you pray for something, then you thank God in advance of receiving the blessing and place your note in the Faith Jar.  At the end of the year I will open the Jar and reflect on the things I prayed for over the year.
These jars of Joy and Faith really appealed to me for a couple of reasons.  For starters it  is hard to be sad or angry when you are counting your blessings.  It is also hard to have one of those nothing goes my way pity parties when there is a jar filled with all of the good things that have been happening.  The Faith Jar reminds me that I am not alone.  That I can turn to God with my requests big and small and know that He has them covered.
I hope some of you will make your own Joy and Faith Jars.   Like I said you can make your Jar’s as ornate or simple as you like depending on how much time you have and how crafty you are.  I used mason jars, ribbon, glitter, glue, and a sheet of sparkly foam.  I replaced the metal tops of the mason jars with the foam and I decorated the outside of the jars with the glitter and ribbon.
Jars of Faith & Joy Are you doing a Jar project this year?  If so, are they still empty or are they already filled with blessings? Did you do one last year?  Do you have another creative way to count your blessings?
PS. Don't forget to register for the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn happening in DC this weekend. Prior registration is required.
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