Going on a rough day at work and amassed by piles of paperworks and clinic stuff, I was relieved to receive a box full of awesome yummy treats! I gladly shared it with my workmates and they instantly loved it as well! These yummy chewies are called "JeedJard" -- bite-size chewy tamarind manufactured from fresh sweet tamarind grown in Petchaboon, a province in Thailand famous all over the world for its delicious tamarind.

Traditionally used in cooking and hailed for its healing properties, sweet tamarind, or makahm wahn in Thai, has many nutritional benefits. The edible part of tamarind contains Calcium as well as Vitamins A, B, and C. It also contains Fiber, which helps promote good digestion. Now you can enjoy the flavor and benefits of real tamarind without the hassle of having to crack open shells, picking out which pods are good to eat, and spitting out the seeds–it’s yummy tamarind that’s neater and easier to eat!

Even my cat loves it! :)
*******Jeedjard Chewy Tamarind is exclusively distributed by Chokdee Marketing International.For more info, contact +63928-5009822 or email [email protected]Visit their Facebook page: HERE.