Wow! October is almost over. This month has flown by. October has been a rough month for me as my mom has been sick (prayers appreciated). The blessing is things are usually not all bad. Here are a few things that gave me Joy in October.
- Black Weblog Awards. I was nominated for a an award in the category of best personal blog. Many of you voted for Chasing Joy. The blog made it to the semi finals. The thing that gave me joy was when I forgot all about the awards because I was worried about my mom, you guys started tweeting that you'd voted for me in the 2nd round without any prompting from me. You guys are awesome and gave me joy when I really needed it. If you have not already voted for me you still can. Go to Chasing Joy is in the Best Personal Blog Category and you can vote from all of your devices :-)
- This past weekend I paid $2.99 a gallon for gas. I cannot remember the last time gasoline was that cheap in Philly.
- I remembered to buy myself flowers. One of my 35 for 35 goals was to get fresh flowers every week. It is nice to have something beautiful to look at.
- I had a fun girls night with my cousin (pink diamond athletics), my sister in law, and my two nieces.
- My nephew turned 11. I can't believe it.
- I got a video of the American Flag blowing in the wind. One of my favorite things.
Post by Chasing Joy.
- Peanut looked cute in his Halloween costume. He has since hid it behind the couch though so I don't know if he'll let me put it back on him for Halloween on Friday.
Post by Chasing Joy.
Even when things are really sucky their are still little things to feel joyful about. What has given you Joy in October?