When I first graduated from college and started working I was 100% committed to working out. There was a gym where I worked so I worked out every day after work. I'd even go on the weekend every now and then. So that was 4 times a week minimum. I was so committed that if I had to leave work early for any reason, I'd leave an hour earlier so that I could still workout.
Then life happened. I got a new job. There was a gym there, but not as nice as at my old job. Also, I was taking public transportation to and from work. It's one thing to get super sweaty and hope in your car to head home. It's an entirely different experience to get super sweaty then get on a bus and a train hoping you don't look too bad or worst smell sweaty. So I stopped going every day. I went here and there. Then I went every now and then. I joined a gym with my then boyfriend, but my attendance there was also sporadic.
I eventually switched jobs again, back to the location where I started with the decent gym. But my workout consistency was not consistent at all. Despite having a decent gym at work and a membership at an even nicer gym my workout routine was not a routine at all.
Then I learned about the #100DaysOfFitness Challenge. My goal for the challenge was to get back to being consistent with my workouts. I figured if I could work out every day for 100 days,then I'd have no problem getting into a 3 or 4 days a week routine. Being 84 days into the challenge I am saying mission accomplished. While exercise is not (nor has it ever) been easy for me. It has become pretty routine. My thoughts have changed from will I workout today to what kind of workout should I do today.
This change in my thoughts goes further than not questioning if I'd workout that day. It has grown into a desire to become a person who always works out. I also want to look the part. Not only in my body, but in what I wear. I want to feel good in the gym and throwing on old T-shirts won't do. I am embracing fitness as a lifestyle and am willing to invest in it. I have been and will continue to buy actual gym clothing. I'm talking sport underwear and bras that provide support and have quick dry material, gym tops and bottoms that actually match, non-cotton socks that lessen blisters, sneakers for both running and cross training, and a real gym bag or two (so that I can always have one packed).
This Challenge has helped me embrace a lifestyle of fitness. I have just over two weeks to go. Right now my plan is to take a week off and then do another 100 days only with some sort of specific goal attached to it like losing inches along my waist or increasing my jogging stamina to 2 miles. I will continue to document my journey online, including YouTube videos, as it keeps me accountable and I am encouraged by all of your support. If you follow me on Instagram you will see all of my updates. You will also see the cool Flipagram videos showing all of my workout stats at once. If you search the hashtag #100DaysOfFitness you will see tons of updates from all of the other people doing the challenge like my blogger friend Uncommon Chick. Searching the hashtag is what helped keep me motivated in the very beginning.
Have you adopted a fitness lifestyle? Do you want to? What is holding you back? Have you ever taken on any kind of fitness challenge. Are you doing a #100DaysofFitness Challenge?