Getting pregnant on your own is a huge deal. It is not something that I have jumped into swiftly or even eagerly. I'd always planned on doing things the old fashioned way but, that's was not working so I'm on to plan B, becoming a single mother by choice. I first heard of the term Single Mother by Choice (SMC) years ago. I started looking into it a little way back then. Finding the SMC website and everything. When I decided it was time to officially join the future SMC ranks I kicked my research up a lot. That is when I discovered there were not many SMCs on YouTube. Actually there is only one, Bostongirl 5560.
It was exciting to see this black woman talking about having made the same choice that I was making. I watched all of her videos and then I proceeded to stalk her, finding her blog, and Instagram. Don't worry I stopped short of searching for her home address, though it would be nice to meet her one day.
Over these last few months since I started sharing my journey on my YouTube channel Bostongirl and I have commented on each others videos and emailed one another. Now its time to introduce each other to our communities. For the next 3 weeks Bostongirl and I will be collaborating on a series of YouTube videos about our SMC journey. Today's video explains what you can expect. Click here >>> Single Mothers By Choice Collaborating Part 1 <<< if you have trouble with the embedded video below.
It is important to have a community. Bostongirl has become part of my virtual community and SMC support system. Have you ever connected with someone online in a way that brought them into your community?
Learn about my journey to
motherhood thus far, including
live video of my IUI