One of the reasons blogging has become a major marketing source for brands is because bloggers are real people Their readers relate to them, think of them as a friend online, and feel comfortable taking their word when it comes to the things they like to do and the products they like to buy. When we only blog about the areas where we excel and can demonstrate our expertise we run the risk of losing that relatability.
Some of my favorite bloggers are relatable but still manage to stand out as experts:
I have been a fan of Nacia from Granolaville since she was a Mom in Boyland. She is an expert on having a more natural life in everything from childbirth, breastfeeding, to diet and juicing. But one of my favorite post from her was the one about her not being ready to give up her perm. I could so relate to that!!!
My friend, Ms. Pillowz, who blogs at Big Diva Hq is an expert in promoting confidence in women of all sizes. Her recent post on the growing pains and difficulties involved in letting go of the person you were to become all that you are capable of definitely resonates with me. Stretching our comfort zones, pushing past our fears and allowing ourselves to accept success are all hard things. Her ability to be vulnerable and not perfect is what makes us all feel so comfortable and encouraged to keep moving forward when we read her blog.
MJ over at A Girl Named Michael is an expert on blended families, step parenting, and books. Her posts and Facebook shares include so many misadventures and quirks that she seems 100% down to earth.
Amusing Foodie is the go to spot for all things yummy. I loved her recent FB post about going out for pizza with her son was one of my favorites. She does not cook yummy, home cooked meals for her family 365 days a year. Sometimes she goes out for pizza just like the rest of us.While I am not in any way an expert on Happiness. I can say that I'm an expert on trying, on not giving up, and on wanting better for myself and others. I hope that my less than joyful moments like when I'm feeling lonely, suck at meditation, struggle with going to happy hours alone or have a spa treatment go seriously awry make me more relatable and shows why I am Chasing Joy.
So what do you think? Do you appreciate it when bloggers share their less than perfect moments?