Diaries Magazine

Joyeux Anniversaire.

Posted on the 20 September 2012 by Ellacoquine @ellacoquine
Joyeux Anniversaire.
It's official! Happy Francoversary to me!
Three years ago today, I got off the plane in the pursuit of a new life, perhaps some love, and happiness. Happiness! Ha! I've said this in the past, but if I knew just exactly what lied ahead of me, I probably would have hightailed back to JFK tout fucking suite. What messes I've tangled myself in here!
Wanting to come up with something fun for my three year anniversary, I was thinking of writing up a super fun francophile post. A celebration of all of the things I love in Paris, recognizing what I have learned, and sharing some of my favorite French music and moments. But since most of my posts are generally a love letter to Paris, I decided to go a different route.
I came here three years ago to basically drain my savings, explore the culture, master the language, and scratch that itch of having one last adventure before truly settling down as an adult. While I do love this culture with all of its quirks and glory, my intention was never to completely lose myself to the Frenchness of it all. The fact will always remain that I'm not French and I'm not from here. I may live in Paris for the rest of my life but I will always be a faux-risienne, and embrace my pedigree as an Italian-American.

Staying true to these roots, and also as someone who doesn't take herself too seriously, before moving to the City of Light, I "art directed" my very own version of An American in Paris. Taking the concept and adding my own twist, I now have a constant reminder that no matter where I am in the world, I will always be a cheesy chick from New York at heart.

I hope you enjoy the photos (complete with my mom's commentary when I showed them to her) as much as I did taking them!
Joyeux Anniversaire.
Joyeux Anniversaire. "Is that my skirt? Put it back in my closet, I'm not kidding! Cute pic, by the way, what's that fountain?"
Joyeux Anniversaire. "Why do you look like a sausage in this one?" 
Joyeux Anniversaire. "Isn't the Louis Vee-tawn store near there?"
Joyeux Anniversaire. "Oh Gawd, please don't do that in Paris, 
it looks whore-y."
Joyeux Anniversaire. "What a glamour shot, but you're about to get hit by that car.
Not very responsible."
Thanks Mom. 
Gotta love Mother Coquine who never fails to notices random shit or insult me. On that note, Paris has been much harder on me than my mom and it's been a challenging as well as entertaining past three years. Here's to the next three that I hope are less colorful.   
Je me souhaite un Joyeux Anniversaire! What was going on a year ago today?  Something I'm still embarrassed about a year later!

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