Creativity Magazine

(J)ustification and Commitment

Posted on the 11 April 2014 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

When I was a kid, if I wanted to quit something, my parents would ask:

What are your justifications?  … is it just cause or just ‘cuz?

I was allowed to quit based on either justification style, but it became increasingly apparent to me that quitting “just ‘cuz” always seems so frivolous.  My parents were okay with me being frivolous in my interests and paths, but I had to be willing to own up to it.  I also came to trust in their support.  If there was a just cause, they would often resolve it entirely, or simply be present in their support of my trials.

The question has become a familiar voice in my head. 

On the negative side of the spectrum, it results in my tendency to make short-term commitments only.  I never promised any college that I’d graduate from there– just a semester or two. I never promised any job that I’d stay longer than two years, or signed any contract that tied me in for more than a year.  If I stayed longer, great.  If not, I wasn’t quitting– I was just moving onto the next step, as planned.

I didn’t even promise a lifetime to Dave– only happy times while we are together.  That is a promise I can keep.

On the more positive side, I still think deeply before quitting anything, even today.  This stick-with-it-ness has led to some truly surprising and amazing experiences.

That said, I’m quitting Vlog Every Day April. 

Just ‘cuz.

It all started when I realized that my first video was taken down for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service.  At first, I was annoyed because I certainly didn’t post anything harassing, pornographic, violent, or anything else.  Then, I thought it might have been because the puppet I used (copyrighted perhaps?), and that made me more sad than anything else.

I read up on it, and it appears to be a normal YouTube experience.  There are processes I can go through to get it all running smoothly, but it’s more effort than I probably want to put into something that isn’t my primary hobby.  I’m in awe of vloggers! So very much goes into it all!

I’m nervous now, that videos will be removed without my knowledge when I’m not looking.  It makes my efforts feel very pointless, and very stressful.

I know.

They’re not important videos.  Not by any stretch of imagination.  But they are my videos, and I feel an ownership towards them.

I often go to great lengths to keep my blogging experience happy and positive, and full of light and laughter for myself. So, frivolous or not, I quit VEDA, because I choose happy and, put like that, perhaps it can be said that it’s for just cause after all.


Speaking of happy, here are some of my recent submissions to #100HappyDays:

I still plan on making one omni-Q&A video for my about page sometime this month.  I’ll feature your questions because they were all so awesome!  Plus this way, you still have time to throw a question into the pot.

How’s your relationship with quitting things? Are you a short-term commitor, a commitment-phobic, or are you in it for the long-haul?

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