Self Expression Magazine

…keep Smiling

Posted on the 25 February 2019 by Zer @the2women
…keep smiling

Today, as last night's winners bask in their glory, I'd like to take a moment for all of those who are still, "honored just to be nominated," but mostly Richard E. Grant.

If you've made it through this Oscar season without encountering the infectious joy of Richard E. Grant, prepare yourself. He's likely an actor you've seen in something before. You know, that one guy, in that one thing... "Game of Thrones."

…keep smiling

...and "Downton Abbey."

…keep smiling

...and "Doctor Who."

…keep smiling name just three of very many things. He's also the Sister Jean of this Oscar season (aka that unexpected heartwarming story you didn't see coming). While he may usually get cast as less than savory characters, his Oscar nomination for "Can You Ever Forgive Me," introduced a lot of the world to the boundless enthusiasm of this actor's real-life persona.

Whether he was getting ready for the Oscars at his co-star's house...

...or being incredibly relatable outside of Barbra Streisand's house...

The joy is real and contagious...

I would call this your #MondayMotivation, but the uncontainable charisma of this enthusiastic Oscar nominee may very well carry you through the rest of the year...or, at the very least, until spring arrives...

And if you think this optimism was brought on by this season of recognition, then you don't know Richard E. Grant. I present to you Exhibit Random, Rainy Tuesday Last January...

So, whether you didn't win an Oscar or missed your train or didn't get your coffee this morning, may we all find our inner Richard E. Grant and find that kind of joy in the everyday. smile...

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