Self Expression Magazine

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Posted on the 27 May 2015 by Zer @the2women


You’ve officially made it through Memorial Day weekend, and whether you like it or not, vacation season is officially here.

I know, you just took a three-day weekend (if you’re lucky), isn’t that enough?

It turns out, we’ve gotten really bad at taking time off. While the reasons for not taking that much-needed time off vary from choosing not to use paid-time-off to not having it, the fact is, something needs to change.

In the past decade alone, the average vacation days actually taken each year has dropped from around 20 to 16. That’s the lowest it’s been in the last four decades. 

If that doesn’t make you at least a little depressed, then you might be part of the problem.

While we all like to think that our places of business will fall apart without our presence, we all need to recharge our batteries every now and then. That doesn’t make you a slacker or a bad employee, it just makes you human.

The moral of this story? Take a break. I know it’s hard, but I promise you’ll be glad you did.

More on the Story: TIME

…just for fun:

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