Self Expression Magazine

…kick It up

Posted on the 03 June 2015 by Zer @the2women

1000px-FIFA_Logo_(2010)Under any other circumstances I wouldn’t dare use a title so perfect for a soccer (football) post so close to the start of the Women’s World Cup, but gosh darn it, today’s FIFA news was worth it.For those who don’t know, one of the only high-ranking FIFA official to not be indicted in the recent U.S. v FIFA smack down, its president, Sepp Blatter, resigned today. Not surprisingly, it was revealed shortly after that he is under investigation.

Here in the U.S.A. I think we can all owe up to the fact that, before a few weeks ago, none of us knew who this man was, but that’s not going to stop us from celebrating. Twitter was a glorious stream of snark and celebration today, but no reaction was quite as anticipated as that of the comedian who introduced America to the politics of FIFA, John Oliver:


— John Oliver (@iamjohnoliver) June 2, 2015

And while, as a St. Louis girl, I cannot condone the bashing of Budweiser products (seriously, sir, have you tried Miller Lite? You’ll be praying for a Bud Light Lime). I can appreciate the (misguided) sentiment.

All in all, it’s been a good week for Twitter, as in we’ve all been reminded what social media (like humanity) can be—kind, thoughtful, albeit with a little bit of snark mixed in.

The other instance I’m speaking of, is of course the overwhelmingly positive reactions to the latest Vanity Fair cover, featuring Caitlyn Jenner. Most of all I’m talking about that angel of a human being, Jessica Lange, who upon learning that people were comparing Caitlyn to herself said, “That’s so wonderful. Well, now I’m going to have to look for that picture.” How perfect is that?

Wouldn’t it be nice, if it could always be like this (on Twitter and everywhere else)? We’d question the corrupt and praise the brave…and ignore the trolls. This week, at least, it feels like we’re heading in the right direction…if only on Twitter for now.

ESPN: Sepp Blatter resigns: Twitter reacts

Mashable: Jessica Lange reacts to Caitlyn Jenner comparisons: ‘That’s so wonderful’

…bi-daily smile…

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