Never guess a lady’s age. It’s a golden rule that should never be forgotten, and one that was tossed aside by those studying the age of lunar rocks collected by Apollo 16.
Yes, it turns out that the moon could be 60 million years younger than previously thought.
The moon may be as young as 4.36 billion years old (and she doesn’t look a day over 3.5 billion).
Now, I know what you science dorks are thinking. After all what is 60 million years or so when your talking about a rock that is over 4 billion years old?
But do you really want to take that chance with the scorned woman who controls the tides?
Believe me, we do not want her coming down to give us a piece of her mind (bad things happen).
So, I would start with something about her glowing complexion. Maybe throw in something about her beaming smile (it couldn’t hurt).
More on the Story:
…just for fun: