The Blurb:
A land of countless customs, few things in India get bigger than a big fat wedding. A marriage is a celebration which brings families and friends together. And the ceremony ends with the tradition of the bride leaving her parents' home and moving in with her husband. The groom always has a choice-he can either stay with his parents or stay separately. However, for the bride her 'home' is now a strange place.
Meet Aakash, a young dental intern, who falls in love with Kashish. However, what he doesn't know is that winning her heart was never going to be easy. Kashish is resolute-nothing, not even their budding romance, will come in the way of her devotion to her parents.
Cut to four years later. Akash has fallen in love with Aneri, the only daughter of her parents. However, his father is clearly miffed by this development, and enlists the help of a psychologist friend to help Aakash. Furthermore, his father is also not surprised at the couple's request of entering into a live-in relationship before the marriage. But is Aakash ready to challenge the existing customs for his love? Is he prepared to go to any lengths to see that his love does not shed another tear?
Take this tradition-defying journey with Aakash, Kashish and Aneri as they dare to delve deeper into the web of love and relationships. Warm up to their crazy antics which will leave you wondering-why can't this be my story?!
The Cover:
The title of book goes well with the cover. Anyone with the first glace would easily predict that the book revolves around marriage(s). But as they say - "Never judge a book by it's cover", there is more in store.
How Did I Like The Book:
"A daily soap opera" is the phrase which comes to my mind when I try to describe this book in words less than a sentence. In no way I want to take it to negative direction. Daily soaps are addictive at the end - arn't they. Yes, The story is actually apt for the base of some new TV series which could be enjoyed by all generations.
It's not a love story but a true family drama in all senses.. The writing and narration is smooth and writer was successful in gaining the interest just when I felt bored. There is a good mix of short twists and turns right till the very last page. The plot felt very much relatable and strike the right chord of current generation when it comes to align with their parents.
Being a girl whose own only brother is living abroad could relate to the whirlpool of various emotions portrayed in the story. I must mention that I and my husband have had the discussion of very much live-in relationship the novel is set around many times. Obviously, we expect the same amount or may be even more intense opposition from our parents if we ever need to get it in action.
Picture below extract:
"‘Dad just asked me yesterday why I am not ready to settle down with a family in Pune or Ahmedabad? What is wrong with settling abroad if the proposal is really good?"...
I was smiling while reading it as I have had similar discussion with my grandfather many years ago when I turned down the co called dream marriage proposals stating that I do not want to go and settle abroad forever away from my parents.
What I Did Not Like:
1. The two halves: I know it seems strange, but I had issues with both halves of the book. The first half seemed exactly similar to "Two States by Chetan Bhagat" while the second half felt a bit dragged along.
2. Character of Kinjal: Since it was a family drama, I would have love to read more about Kinjal and her bonding with Akash - her brother.
Guess what, I managed to sneak two one-lines among all the melodrama - a thing which is quite difficult to find in new Indian writings and when it is there, it's too much to take a note! Hope you noticed them in between my talks about the book. Here they go:
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