About The Author:Currently, the CEO of FM network Radio City 91.1, Apurva Purohit is a smart leader and a visionary who has built several media brands like Zoom TV and Radio City. Read more about her at her blog - http://www.womenatwork.co.in.
The blurb says:Todays woman wants to make a success of both family and career and is unwilling to compromise on either. But the burden of coping with deadlines, recalcitrant children, lazy husbands, difficult bosses and equally difficult in-laws can be daunting, even overwhelming. In this book, Apurva Purohit, CEO of Radio City 91.1 FM, shows how women can accept, adapt and achieve their way to the highest rung in every arena. Through real-life stories and funny anecdotes, she provides pithy tips on a multitude of topics: from training husbands to training interns, from the right attitude to getting it right with kids, from dealing with household crises to office emergencies, from building a reputation to paving ones way to the top. Warm, witty and empathetic, Lady, Youre Not a Man! is a must-read for every woman on the quest for work-home balance and determined to succeed in her career and live a happy and fulfilling life.
About The Cover:I liked the cover. It's quite creative and also pops out some hint to contents - which I realised only after reading two-three chapters.
About The Book:I was all smiles as I read the very first pages. It was like reading about myself! I can bet that any working mother would give a high five to me when they read it.
I also liked the way book is structured. The book is divided into three sections – Acceptance, Adapting, and Achievements. Each section is further divided into smaller chapters. Wait, there is more. Each chapter has footnotes at the end with the headings - "Corporate Mantra of the Day" and "Psst…" giving a crisp summary of the chapter. Further, each section is concluded with ten important lessons.
Below were my favorite chapters:-The suffering Sita syndrome-Expectant expectations-Can u give up control-Oye, lucky madam-Maintaining one's individuality-Sexy smart and single
What I Liked About The Book:1. The fact that I could immediately relate to it.2. Short chapters.3. Real life experiences.4. Witty and funny punches very here and there.
What I Did Not Like About The Book:1. Unmarried females might not be able to directly relate.2. Male readers might find it too much boasting about women - but they always do so, remember comments on women day or organisations not celebrating men's day ;)
Over all, I liked the book and can recommend to someone who is looking for non-fiction read over a weekend. Women low on self esteem or giving a single thought to give up their career because of any reason must read it.
I could have copied almost every second line as my favorite except the stories, but I refrained myself hard and below are some lines I noted down as quotes:
"Priorities need to change at different stages of our life if we want to grow and evolve."
"We women actually have very simple needs indeed. Give or take a few diamonds, about forty pair of shoes, a few cuddles from our spouses and a reliable cook, all we want is to be happy and successful - both in our corporate lives and at home."
"Most wars are lost in our minds much before we have stepped out on the battlefield. In a choice between skill and great attitude, attitude always wins, hands down."
"Pregnancy is not an illness, it's a process of life."
Title: Lady, You're Not a Man! : The Adventures of a Woman at Work
Author: Apurva Purohit
Publisher: Rupa Publications India (5 August 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8129129043
ISBN-13: 978-8129129048
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