Self Expression Magazine

…Laugh More

Posted on the 17 November 2016 by Zer @the2women

…Laugh MoreIt’s been one week since we entered into some bizarre parallel universe. I know, time flies when you’re hoping it was all a horrible dream.

That being said, last week’s disruption may have distracted some of us from what lies ahead. 

I’m talking, of course, about “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life,” which arrives on Netflix the day after Thanksgiving. Which is just over a week away.

That in itself is very exciting, but it also means you have a limited window for to rewatch all 7 seasons ahead of its release. That’s 154 episodes and over 100 hours of binge-viewing. Considering, there’s just over 190 hours until the show’s release, well, you better get going.

Of course, if you have plans to work, study, sleep, eat, or function during the next week, you may want an abbreviated viewing. Personally, I’d suggest season’s 1-6 and then skip to the last episode of season 7; however, if that’s still more than your schedule allows for, here are some highlights from the 100+ hours you’ll be missing out on…for the first 3 seasons at least…prepare yourself for a lot of fast talking.

…just for fun:

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