Self Expression Magazine

…lay All Your Love

Posted on the 14 February 2018 by Zer @the2women

Today crusaders we’re confronted with conflicting holidays. It’s a real battle of the head versus the heart, you might say, as Valentine’s Day, a day dedicated to candy and cards, stares down Ash Wednesday, a day marking the start of the penitent season of Lent.

What a dilemma.

Of course, seeing as the full holiday is Saint Valentine’s Day we could take the opportunity to explore the religious foundation of the since commercialized holiday (spoiler alert: it doesn’t end well for St. Valentine).

Or we could take a break from this bleak winter weather to reflect on a timeless story of sacrifice, friendship, and forgiveness.

By which I am of course referring to the cinematic classic, “Mamma Mia.”

…lay all your loveIt’s really the perfect film for today. Seriously.

On the one (and obvious) hand, you have the love story.

…lay all your love

And the amazing dance numbers…

…lay all your love

On the other (far deeper) hand you have the epic story of, yes, love, but also selflessness, fierce independence…

…lay all your love

…the value of those deepest of all bonds…

…lay all your love

…and of course, we mustn’t forget the glue that holds all of this together, Pierce Brosnan.

…lay all your love

Not to mention, a peppy but touching reminder of self-sacrifice.

…lay all your love

So whatever you choose to give up this Lenten season, I hope it’s not your dream of being the Dancing Queen.

…lay all your love

Donna (who will totally be alive in “Mamma Mia 2”) wouldn’t want it any other way.

…bi-daily smile…

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