Welcome to Ash Wednesday and the official beginning of Lent. For all the non-Catholic's out there, that means your Catholic friends are going to look like they picked up a side hustle as a chimney sweep today.
They'll probably also be hangry. Oh, and for the next 40 days and nights they'll be going on some sort of diet in the name of religion.
Personally, I've never been a fan of giving something up for Lent. I have a tendency to forget my Lenten diet restrictions when I'm hungry (which is always), plus it seems more like a resolution than an actual sacrifice.
I prefer to pay it forward instead. It doesn't have to be anything huge. You can try actually making plans with that one friend you've been meaning to catch up with. You can give up your seat on the bus, or at least offer.
That way at least someone else benefits, and you may find you get something out of it too. The best part, unlike your 40 day chocolate/alcohol/meat fast, paying it forward can help you and others. Not that your Lent diet isn't changing the world.
Basically for the next five and 3/4 Catholic's will be piling on an extra couple layers of guilt. So please be patient with us. Also, sorry in advance.
...just for fun: