It's here podcast fans (and future podcast fans), the podcast that made podcasts cool (again?) has returned. Happy " Serial " Day!
If you haven't yet known the absolute enthralling experience that is this series and in my opinion any podcast worth its salt, then you are in for a treat.
This weekly podcast documents the process of investigative journalism at its finest and if that doesn't excite you then just walk away now.
This year's topic is the entire criminal justice system...sort of. The season will dive into Cleveland's Justice Center and it promises to be an enlightening (and probably incredibly infuriating at times) journey that I suspect many will be taking on their evening commutes today.
But if you're new to the podcast pool, jumping in with this kind of heavy-hitting content may seem a bit overwhelming. Don't worry, there's a podcast out there for you.
One of my other favorites is recorded right here in Chicago (and no I haven't been to a's on my list), NPR's " Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! " This weekly quiz show will make you lol (probably on the train) and test your knowledge.
Now get out there and listen! smile...