Self Expression Magazine

…Let the Sunshine In

Posted on the 11 March 2018 by Zer @the2women

…Let the Sunshine InWelcome to the beginning of daylight saving time! Yes, it’s time to spring forward into that evening sunshine and the beginning of longer days.

Now, before you grumble about losing an hour of sleep, or about this being an antiquated system, please ask yourself one question — Did I complain about it getting dark too early this winter?

If the answer is yes, you can’t have it both ways. You’ll be fine in a few days. Why not celebrate that extra hour of sunshine in the evening instead of mourning the one you lost this morning. It will be back in the fall, as will your opportunity to complain about it getting dark too early.

For now though, let’s appreciate what we have. In honor of the extra rays, here’s a bright and sunny #SundayFunday. Enjoy!

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