Self Expression Magazine

…let Your Heart Be Light

Posted on the 17 December 2016 by Zer @the2women

…let your heart be lightFolks, there’s one week of shopping days left before Christmas, and all I can say is remain calm…

If you’re one of those people who finished your shopping in October, congratulations. Go enjoy your superbly organized life. This blog post has nothing for you.

Everyone else, it’s going to be crazy, chaotic, and downright ridiculous out there. You will rise above it.


You will remember that Christmas is a time for joy, goodwill, and patience for your fellow man, even when that fellow man got way too aggressive about getting to that parking spot.


You will be grace, poise, and the Christmas spirit incarnate, whether you like it or not.


So go forth Christmas shoppers and be patient, be thoughtful, and above all be kind. Godspeed.


…bi-daily smile…

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