Creativity Magazine

Little Big Coffee

Posted on the 04 April 2016 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

If we were having coffee, I'd take yours away.
You're too little for coffee.

Here, have a juice.

little big coffee

What do you mean "that's not juice"?
What is it?

A chicken? Oh, good grief, here, how's this?

little big coffee

Still not a juice?
It's a banana?

Well then squish the banana into a cup and pretend it's a juice.

little big coffee


What? It's better than squishing the chicken into a cup...
And we're not here to worry about what we're drinking today anyway. We're here to talk. I have something important to tell you.

I think you're pretty great. I like the way you make friends, no matter what they eat or how big or small they are. I like the way you tell the truth. I like the way you say you are sorry when you are wrong, and the way you hug the people you love like you're trying to squish them into a juice cup.

When I am sad, you make me smile. When I fall, you pick me up.

little big coffee


I said "Pick me up", not "chicken up."

Go away, chicken.

Anyway, I love you. You are a good person. You are a kind person. You might do great things one day, but I am just happy that you do so much good today.

You make my life better. When you write me letters, draw me pictures, call me at my house, or run screaming into my arms- I smile so big that even the moon sees it. When you trust me with your feelings, and when you walk with your hand in mine- I shine with so much happiness that even the sun notices.

So when people say you're too little for something, I think you should think of all the things you're just the right size for- like being awesome, and giving big hugs, and cheering up dinosaur girls who love you.

You're absolutely perfect to me.

But no, that doesn't mean you get to have my coffee, and since you already ate the banana-

I better warn the chicken...

little big coffee

Run for your life, chicken!


To all my Little Foots, you are loved. Also, please don't try to squish a chicken.

To my regular readers, what other things are my Little Foot readers just the right size for?

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