Self Expression Magazine

Loss of Innocence at Connecticut Elementary School

Posted on the 15 December 2012 by Lucky @imlosingitorg

Loss of Innocence at Connecticut Elementary School

 Image: Google Images

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the Connecticut Elementary School shooting.   We respect their need for privacy during this very difficult time.  It was a day like any other in a scene that plays out every weekday in every State and in every town.  With hurried kisses, hugs and good-byes innocent children are dropped off at Elementary school.  We never for one moment ever think it will be the last time we will see our babies.  Innocent, beautiful and full of life.  So on a day like any other just 10 days before Christmas the unthinkable happens in Connecticut.  The 20 year old alleged shooter is identified as Adam Lanza as reported by  It is reported that Lanza killed his mother prior to the rampage. Dressed in all black fatigues Lanza took his dead mother’s  guns and drove to the school in her car and calmly walked into two classrooms (one kindergartners and the other first graders) and without uttering a word started to open fire killing 6 adults and 20 children before turning the weapon on himself.  The sounds of crying, screaming and shooting filled the school until there was nothing but carnage and silence.  It is reported that Lanza’s girlfriend and friend are missing in New Jersey bring the total to possibly 30.

Loss of Innocence at Connecticut Elementary School

Is this the new normal?

Image: Google Images

As is so often the case the one question why?  is usually clear in hind sight.  Inevitably when they look back on Lanza’s life I am sure they will find many red flags that so often get overlooked or dismissed as not possible. With the number of school shootings on the rise it is everyone’s duty to be vigilant and not take any thing for grant.

Such is the case in Bartlesville Oklahoma, according to the Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise, where a local 18 year old teen Sammie Eaglebear Chavez was arrested for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at Bartlesville High School.  An unidentified student allegedly overheard the suspect on December 12, 2012  trying to recruit students to help him lure other students into the auditorium.  Once inside the auditorium he planned to chain the doors and start shooting his victims.  It is further alleged he was going to place bombs by the door so he could detonate the bombs as the police tried to enter.  In the time leading up to his arrest on Friday it is alleged he was trying to acquire maps of the school and had just purchased a Colt .45 handgun and was searching the Internet for .22 calibrated rifles.  Chavez is being held on $1 Million dollar bond.  No further arrests are pending at this time.  The investigation continues.

We pray for the victims, survivors and their families.


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