Self Expression Magazine

#LoveMe for Joy

Posted on the 03 February 2014 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
#LoveMe for Joy It's February! The month of Love.  I am happy to participate in the #LoveMe Challenge with Pepper from the blog Pepper Scrapps. Each day for the month of February there is a different focus all designed to help you love yourself more. I will be posting daily for the #LoveMe Challenge either here on the blog or on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page.
On Saturday I posted on the Facebook Page explaining why I was joining the challenge.  A challenge designed to make you love yourself  more certainly will bring more Joy.  Also, I like the timing of the challenge. This challenge is a great way for me to be in the Valentine's Day spirit and show myself some love all month long
Post by Chasing Joy.
Yesterday's task was to post a photo of myself.  I posted the following photo on the Facebook Page because I liked the color I was wearing and I was feeling happy and good about myself in the photo .
Post by Chasing Joy.
Today's Post on the challenge is A Word That Describes You.
It is not easy choosing a single word that describes me.  Several words come to mind.  Joyful, sometimes, but not often enough, I am Chasing Joy after all.  Confident, not as much as I'd like to be, that's why its my word for this year.  Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Blogger, Employee, Friend, yes, I am all of these things, but I like to think there is more to me than any one of those titles.
The word that I have decided on is Growing.  I like learning new things.  I like challenging myself to improve.  I like finding better ways to handle situations and people.  I enjoy conferences, seminars, and info sessions on wellness.  I want to improve in all areas of my life.  I want to keep growing.  I think it it learning new things and having new experiences that keeps us young and engaged in life.  There is a reason I am Chasing Joy.  Not because I believe I'll never catch it and will inevitable be Chasing it.  I am Chasing Joy because I believe as I grow I will be able to capture better and better qualities of it.  It is by growing into a better, healthier, and happier person that I embrace Chasing Joy.
The one word that describes me for the #LoveMe Challenge is Growing!  What is one word that would describe you?

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