I'm taking their advice, and have started a food & fitness diary. I'm hoping this keeps me accountable. Working out is so much easier during school break. When classes begin, the true test begins.

One of the first challenges is to write down five things you absolutely love about your body.
1. My Eyes for their ability to see and the plethora of makeup techniques to use on them!
2. My Legs for their strength. I've had to move a lot of furniture in my life (both parents like to decorate), and my legs have moved armoires and fridges up and down flights of stairs.
3. My arms for their ability to give hugs.
4. My hands that I use to pet my darling Raquel (cockapoo).
5. My eyebrows; I like the way they frame my face. (Thanks to European Wax Center!)
Cheers to everyone taking part in the #loveyourbody challenge!
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