Self Expression Magazine

Make It Happen Monday: Happiness

Posted on the 23 July 2012 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Happy Monday!
It is the first day of the work week for most of us. I hope you had a great weekend, but now it's time to look forward to what we can accomplish this week.  No coming down with a case of the Mondays :-) Instead set some weekly goals and share them us on FB and Twitter for Make It Happen Monday. (hashtag #MakeitHappenMonday)
Here are some of my goals for this week:
  • Continue getting in 64 oz of water each day.
  • Add some fruit to my diet.
  • Exercise 3 hours this week.
  • Write the three blog posts that are in my head including my girlfriendology post for August.
  • Follow up on a few opportunities to work with brands.
  • Continue working on the 1st Chasing Joy event. Coming soon!
  • Decide on a topic for the August #ChasingJoy twitter chat (taking place 4pm EST Sunday Aug. 5th).
  • Stay on top of my work at the day job.
  • Get to bed earlier.
  • Give meditation another try.
Wow!  That is  a lot of goals for me this week.  I do have one more that I'm not listing above because I'm taking care of it right now.  That is to announce the winner of last weeks Scavenger Hunt.  Last Weeks Scavenger Hunt was an easy one.  The theme was Happiness and the goal was to post an image that contained the word Happiness to the Chasing Joy FB page or tweet it to me on Twitter. 
There were several really good images.  I enjoyed seeing the posts they made me smile.  I hope they made you smile as that is the idea behind the Scavenger Hunt, to add just a little something joyful to your day and time online.  It was hard to decide on a winner but I managed to do it.  This weeks winner is Morgan Dragonwillow!!!
Make it Happen Monday: Happiness
I chose Morgan's image because it contained the word Happiness and also because you could see the genuine happiness on Morgan and her Granddaughter's faces. I love the way it reflected the Joy we can find in spending time with our favorite family members.  Morgan  is the author of the A Writer's Universe. A Writer's Universe is where Morgan expresses her passion to help others live courageously authentic, creative, and passionate lives filled with purpose via writing.  Check her out on Facebook as Morgan Dragonwillow, Writer and Twitter as @MDragonwillo.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the scavenger hunt. Tune into to the Chasing Joy FB and Twitter pages on Tuesday to find out what we'll be hunting for this week.

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