Today I'm back. It's Monday. I'm thinking about goals this week. This is a short work week for many of us because of Thanksgiving. So I don't have too many day job goals. I have a couple of blogging goals to keep me on track. For the first time ever I have a list of things and corresponding deadlines related to the Chasing Joy Brand. However, taking precedent before my blogging goals, my big goal for this week, is to SLEEP!
I have made some positive health changes over the last few weeks. I am taking some medicine to help with my thyroid and pre-diabetes, I am drinking more water, making better food choices, and eating smaller portions. I have lost about 5lbs since meeting with the nutritionist. One area I have not improved in is sleep. If I am lucky I get about 4 hours during the work week. I know this is really bad for me and totally unhealthy. So this week I am focusing hard on going to bed earlier.
To do this I need to prioritize my activities. The things that must get done before I can go to sleep need to happen earlier in the day. I also need to allow myself to set aside the things that don't have to get done when it is time for some shut eye. My motivation to get to bed earlier is knowing that everything will improve if I am more well rested. I will wake up feeling better. I will have more energy. I will have an even more pleasant disposition. I will lose weight easier. My body will be in a better position for baby making. Overall I will have more joy.
Do you guys struggle to get to bed? How much sleep do you get? What are your goals for this week?
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