Happy Sunday, and welcome to day three of 2016!
Hopefully your New Year’s resolutions are still going strong. Statistically speaking, if you made a resolution, you probably haven’t broken down yet. However, you probably will in the next two weeks.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s true.
But don’t despair, there’s still hope. The number one “cause of death” for resolutions is unrealistic expectations, especially when your resolution is exercise related.
If you expect to see instant results, then you’re more likely to become depressed and lose motivation after two weeks. You’re also more likely to injure yourself. Slow and steady doesn’t always win the race, but it does at least make it across the finish line.
Also, keep in mind that it takes between 21 days to a month to form a habit. So, stay strong and push past that two week mark…and you might end up beating the odds. Good luck!
More on the Story: Forbes
…just for fun: