I never imagined that Memorial Day would be a day to fight over. It’s not National Hamburger Day or National Yay-It’s-Summer Day, but it’s also not National Thank-A-Soldier-Day or National Mourning Day, and it’s not National Let’s-Bully-A-Brand-For-Having-A-Sale-How-Dare-You-Not-Mention-the-Troops Day. Seriously, don’t we have enough problems in the world without adding bullying and cyber-bullying to the list?
So let’s talk about what Memorial Day is. It is a day set aside by federal proclamation as a day of remembrance for those who have fought and died in our nation’s wars. It is the last Monday in May. It is a federal holiday. It is the benchmark that a lot of folks use as the unofficial start of summer, when a lot of schools are out, when graduations happen, when a lot of pools and parks open up for the season, when a lot of concerts and barbecues and benefits happen, and when the flipflops start coming out. It is a damn fine day to thank someone serving in the Armed Forces, on the police force, in the fire department, as an emergency room doc or tech, or anyone else who just might not get this day off because they’re out doing something great. And if you have the day off, it is a damn fine day to go do something awesome with your family, like barbecuing in the park and watching fireworks.
To the brands, I say, show a little sensitivity. “Happy Memorial Day! Come see our sale!” is kind of insensitive, because to a lot of people who have lost loved ones and are reminded of it by the memorial ceremonies and playing of taps that happen today, it isn’t “happy.”
To the people reminding brands of that, I say, be tactful. Flaming at them on social media doesn’t make any friends. There are polite ways of letting people know they’ve gaffed – one faux pas doesn’t deserve another. And it’s never okay to be a bully.
To the people who see it as a day of somber mourning, I say, yes, we mourn our loved ones, but we don’t just save our mourning for one day. It lives in our hearts, with our grief, every day. Those we love wouldn’t want it to consume us. Those who died didn’t die so that we would die inside with them. Let’s honor them, but honor them with joy in our hearts for the memory of their lives, and that they would sacrifice for us.
To the people who want to barbecue and enjoy the time with their loved ones, I say, go. Live this day. Just take a breath and say thanks to the spirits of those who died so you could.
To my fellow soldiers, my friends, my comrades, and to the others who serve, especially the doctors, the police, the firefighters, who face danger every day, I say, thanks. Just thanks. We all know that this day is not about us, still alive, still fighting, but those who went before. But every day isa always a good day to say thanks to those who serve.
Let’s not fight. Let’s take a breath and honor those who died for our country, let’s thank those who live and serve, let’s tell those we love that we love them dearly, and let’s go cook some barbecue.