Today I am going to make a little confession. I say a little confession because my friends and most of my families are already privy to this bit of info. It's nothing juice or all that uncommon. It's actually a rather ordinary fact but still a rather personal one.
So are you ready? Drum roll please......... Here goes, I see a therapist. I routinely see a shrink and get my head shrunk. LOL That's right several times a month I go to a doctor and discuss my problems, anxieties, hopes, and dreams both my dreams for the future and the ones I had about the lions, haunted porch, and aliens. She helps me see things from a different point of view and helps me find better ways to deal with day to day to day stressors.
So why am I letting this cat out of the bag today? Well it had been on my mind for a while now to reveal this bit of info about myself. I know there is still quite a bit of stigma within the black community about therapy and mental health . It was only a matter of time before I was ready to speak positively about the virtues of therapy on this blog. I also figured I'd do it on a Monday. Many bloggers including one of my favorite's Bewildered Bug participate in Mental Health Mondays. While I don't intend to pick that up as a regular feature on the blog it does provide good timing for my announcement.
But why this Monday? Well, last week I received a very unexpected phone call. I answered a call on my cell phone from a caller who's number I did not recognize. Within a few minutes the caller revealed themselves as an old friend and got to the point of their call. The person started out saying they had been reading my blog. My first thought was oh crap they read something that they did not like. But I was wrong. The person revealed that they found it so uplifting and wished they could be as happy as me. They went on to say that they were in a really bad place and where basically contemplating suicide!!!
I spoke to the person for about a half hour. During that time I reminded the person that I see a therapists and that has helped me. I emphasized over and over again that the caller should seek out therapy of some sort for themselves. I advised them to go to a hospital, or a church. I reminded the person of the people that would be hurt if they went through with a suicide. But over and over again I stressed how the therapy has helped me and that I felt it could be helpful for them as well. I hope what I said sunk in. After the call I also texted the person the National Suicide Prevention Hotline phone number. I hope what I said was helpful.
So here I am doing my very own Mental Health Monday Post and confessing to you all about my therapy. God is good and this blog with it's joyful quotes has been a tremendous help in my overall mental/emotional health. But complimenting that is the therapy. Now I do not have any sort of Mental Disorder or chemical imbalance. I started therapy after the death of my dad and during a really bad break up. At times life can be really hard and that was a hard time for me. I was feeling very very down, maybe even depressed. Now it is normal to feel down and sometimes depressed but I did not want to get stuck there. I was concerned for myself because my thoughts were dark and I felt that I was struggling to get through my days. Therapy helped me with that. I continue to go because I like to have a safe place to express myself without fearing that I am worrying someone else.
So that is my confession. Are you disappointed? Where you expecting something more juicy??? LOL Sorry to disappoint you if you were.
I do hope that if there is someone out there who thinks they may need to talk to a therapist but are embarrassed that they will see that it is no big deal and go. If any of you are feeling depressed or down for longer than usual or feel stuck there please go. If any of you are considering hurting yourself in any way please go. Remember that I go so you will not at all be alone.
If you have health insurance you can look on the back of your medical card and there will be a phone number for mental health or behavioral health. Use that number to find a therapist within your network. If you don't have insurance go to your local hospital and explain that you need to talk to a therapist. Many churches offer counseling services as well, often by certified therapist who volunteer their time at the church. If you are contemplating hurting yourself call the Suicide Prevention Hotline Immediately 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Now remember that my advice here is based only on my personal experience. I am not a doctor, therapist, or counselor. I am just a blogger who is Chasing Joy, who spills her guts to a therapist regularly, and who does not think there is anything wrong with that.
What are your thoughts? Do you feel there is a stigma within your community about seeking therapy or any kind of emotional or mental health support?