Diaries Magazine

Mind the Bump (Vol. 3)

Posted on the 09 August 2011 by Susiemcbeth @susiemcbeth
Mind the bump (Vol. 3)

I am now 30 weeks pregnant! My bump is bigger and more awesome than ever (it feels a bit like, and looks a bit like I have swallowed a giant dinosaur egg - I have posted a picture above). The twins’ movements are stronger - and I’m not going to lie to you, can be a bit painful at times (but only when they are targeting under my ribs or my cervix – something I definitely will not miss about pregnancy!). The rest of the time it is fine, it just feels a bit weird. But trust me the phase of them feeling like butterflies or popcorn is well and truly over.

Apparently, the babies now react to light, and if you shine a torch on your belly they are able to trace the light source and respond - I love a good experiment so I will be hunting out my torch to give this a try.

Time feels like it is really flying by. This worries me as I feel like I have quite a lot still to do in terms of preparation for the twins’ arrival. But I don’t feel too panicked about that, as I know me and Rob will get it done. In fact Rob has been perfect and super organised, which is a real help to me as I seem to be suffering a major case of baby brain. My head is like a sieve and I seem to be easily distracted – plus I am chock full of hormones which is great for political ranting (if that is what you feel like doing) but not so good when you end up in floods of tears from watching adverts (mainly ones with puppies in, or for some reason the Evian adverts always make me teary). So not fun!

However, I am aware that B-day is looming in the not so distant future, and in the spirit of being a practical and mature adult I am trying to avoid thinking about it too much. I will be happy to finally meet my babies, but I am really not ready to think about how that little event is going to go down...But you know I am not totally avoidance-girl as I have managed to get my antenatal class booked and I have everything that needs to go in my hospital bag (I mean it is not in an actual bag just yet, but I have the stuff needed). Anyway, I will save my thoughts of labor and birth for a future post. I am off to hunt out a torch and get something to eat as apparently this trimester seems to be all about feeding the wee lions slumbering in my belly!

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