Posted on the 05 February 2016 by Chasingjoy
Oh how I wish every post on Chasing Joy could be a happy one. Unfortunately that is not the case. On Fridays I post Baby Making Updates on my journey to becoming a Single Mother By Choice. Last Fridays Baby Making Update was a sad one. This one is a little sad too. However, Chasing Joy is not about every day being happy. Chasing Joy is about making the decision to pursue happiness and grab on to as much joy as you can even in the midst of heartache. So this Baby Making Update and last week's are just as important as all of the others. This week's video is about the procedure I had to resolve my missed miscarriage. By sharing my experience I know I may be helping a woman who is or will go through something similar.
As always thanks for your support. Keep Chasing Joy, especially during hard times.