Diaries Magazine

Monday Moods

Posted on the 27 July 2015 by Ballerinablogger
Week four of Maine State Ballet's summer workshop is underway. A frenzy of early morning classes, rehearsals, ice buckets, and Advil have swept the company off of our feet. Coppelia premiers in eleven days and the thought gives my stomach a healthy stir of nerves and utter excitement. I love the milestone in the rehearsal process when you are finally comfortable enough to forget about the steps and settle into the character. One more run-through of the ballet and maybe I'll be at that point... I've come to the conclusion that no amount of rehearsals will ever make one feel truly and profoundly ready for opening night. All you can do is work your hardest for a few months and eventually have to dive headfirst into the production.  monday moods  monday moods
monday moods  monday moods

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