Self Expression Magazine

Monday Summary & Nigella Bingo

Posted on the 19 December 2011 by Alison @AlStaples
Monday Summary & Nigella bingo19th December 2011
Sorry for being a bit late with my usual summary of the week's adventures. I've been culinarily challenged and partied out.What do you do when you offer to make (yes make, not buy) a dessert for a dinner party full of domestic goddesses? Well - you bring out the big guns. Nigella - a woman who can hold spaghetti and text at the same time.Christmas Dinner with my girls in Sheffield came of age this year. Sixteen years young and still going strong. When it comes to planning my December diary, Girlie Christmas Dinner is non-negotiable.I am however dealing with women who like to read cookery books for fun and can tell you which book your recipe came from faster .than you can say 'Jamie Oliver'!Bearing in mind I needed to get my creation over the Snake Pass in one piece, I chose carefully. Something that wouldn't run, slop or melt.Monday Summary & Nigella bingoDespite Sainsburys letting me down by not having the stipulated special black cherry spread - replaced with blueberry and made out it was done on purpose on the grounds of anti-oxidants - it was something of a triumph.

Monday Summary & Nigella bingo

The best meal of the year (plus canapes - sorry Diana, forgot to take a picture).

I only own about three cookery books. Nigella's is by far and away the most fun. Primarily because it always comes out at dinner parties for a 'Nigella bingo and caption competition'. Only Nigella could display her food at breast height and match her sweater to her meal. 
See if you can match the caption to the photo (should make for some interesting google hits!).Monday Summary & Nigella bingo1. Look at my lovely cups.2. Spaghetti nipple tassels.3. Mother's milk.4. I've been having sex all night and I'm ravenous.5. Imagine it's not herbs I'm holding ........6. What a lovely cock.I wrote in a previous blog about my favorite road - The Snake Pass, between Manchester and Sheffield. While it was a bit dicey on the way over the Pennines, on the way back it was treacherous. Amazingly beautiful but terrifying. By the time we dropped down into Glossop (15 mph and second gear all the way) the road had been closed to traffic coming the other way. I've never driven it in conditions like that before - it was glorious. Monday Summary & Nigella bingoMonday Summary & Nigella bingo 
Other than taking on the elements and a cheesecake - it's been a week of Christmas parties. Hosting our annual mulled wine and mince pie party, the Christmas Carol Service at our local church followed by Lad's (code for cheese - it's a long story - I'll explain it in another blog) and wine, gigs, cinema, shopping - and of course I've been 'on the blog' as it were, quite considerably.
So here is a summary of last weeks Christmassy blogs - so you can play catch up:
We started the week with a bit of ear wigging at The Manchester Christmas Markets with 'Morphine, Special Brew and Cheese'.
On Tuesday the blackberry vodka I've been brewing for months made it into it's festive bottles.
Wednesday was all about Christmas Shopping (I'd rather eat my own ear wax).
Thursday it was hankies at the ready for Christmas Hair (my cancer story through my barnet).
Friday was my top 5 Christmas weddings in Soap Land, for my regular Brides Up North gig.
On Saturday my review of the film 'Puss in Boots' was published by 'The Good Review'.
And finally, on Sunday - it was like sitting next to me at Friday's Duran Duran concert at the MEN Arena in Manchester. Give yourself a treat and check out 'All You Need is Now'.
Wowzers - what a brilliant week!
I hope you are having a good time in the run up to Christmas. Deep breath everyone, the end is in sight x

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