Diaries Magazine


Posted on the 16 November 2014 by Vintagecountryrose @VintageCountryRose
MONOCHROMEBelieve it or not, the Vintage team have been working very hard over the last few weeks. Our new office is almost complete , and we have some surprises in store for you, over the next few months, including a fabulous CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!


Marilyn Monroe: Loving the monochrome style!


Audrey Hepburn: Classic and Simple

The VCR Team have had a their big annual photo-shoot. We went all out with our ideas and shoots. However we still stayed, in some cases, simple and effective!

One of my all time favorite classic styles is the monochrome. Good old simple Black and White combos! You've got to adore those old time classics! The Look has been rocked and perfected by so many, and is still rocking on today!Everyone wears monochrome, so many celebrities through out time have walked the style down the red carpet, and why not! The Bold, Strong statement look is a fabulous one.

The Two colours black and white, are literally opposites. But you know what they say, opposites attract, and here is a perfect example! They are so different, yet they form together to make a bold yet calm statement.

So we decided, what better look to go for then monochrome, and our interpretation of it.

Our fabulous models show our interpretation of this classic look perfectly. The bold contrast really emphasizes this look.


How do have this look!

GuysThere is no other look then a casual monochrome style for the guys out there! There is nothing else that makes you feel quite as suave. 


Charmingly casual.


          Mysteriously smart.

The casually swung on tie, and semi-casual trousers adds a relaxed touch to the look. However smartened up by the Shirt. 
What kind of look is this? Its a casual-smart look, a good balance of both casual and smart.
Where could i wear this? Because it is such a versatile look it can be worn pretty much anywhere, from dinner parties to daily wear.
How do i form this look? Its as easy as it says on the tin, sort your hair away from your face, swing the tie casually round your neck.
What do i need? A thin black tie, a smart shirt, some casual black jeans.

GirliesNow for all you make-up lovers!                    

This fabulous look is so effective! The strong color blocking method on the dress really makes the piece stand out from the crowd!
What kind of look is this? Bold, but cute and classy.
Where could i wear this? Again it could be used as daily wear, but specifically personally, dinner parties and events of all kinds.
How do i form this look? A bold black and white dress , black tights, casual straight yet slightly wavy hair and make-up..


Cutely attractive.


Don't want to go out and buy 2 lipsticks for this look? One white , One black. We didn't!
-LIP- Main focus point
Black lip colour: Its simple black pencil eyeliner round the edges. Nude color on the lips, then covered by a liquid eye liner OR black eye shadow.
White lip colour: Same method, nude color then white pigmented (preferably) eye shadow over the top. 
Eyes: Black eye shadow, long lashes.
Facial make-up: Natural

Full couple outfit view


This picture really shows what i mean when i say that the look is a complete balance between classy smart and cute casual.

This look can be smartened up more: 
Guys: the tie done up and a suit/dinner jacket added.
Girlies: Classy heels, gorgeous white pearls, hair up in a classy bun.

It really does make the cutest couple combo, I SIMPLY LOVE IT!!


The slick maintained casual hair really adds to this look!

The shot to the left , i call the 'lip shot'. Because i think it really emphasizes what the make-up artist has done. It shows the huge contrast not only through her clothing but through her make-up. 

Now in every photo-shoot you have your favourites, so here are some of the shots that show the couples whole looks coincide, and flourish!

So there you have it, Monochrome, simple, cute, classy, bold, contrasting, old time complete classics, and one of my favourites!

I would like to say a huge thank you to our lovely gorgeous models, and to all the VCR team behind this shoot, from the very beginning. An amazing well done to the make-up for this shoot, The Country Rose is a clever one!

The honest truth: No Photoshop was made to the models physical appearances in this shoot. Simply edits on the brightness (as the weather wasn't on our side on the day) and sharpening to enhance the contrast slightly.

The photos in this article belong to VintageCountryRoseCO. Except the images of Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn-Google Images. 

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Hope you enjoyed this article, comment your views and suggestions below. 

Lots of love ~Buttercup x 

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