After I wrote my post last night, I decided to stick with this theme for the month. I thought of at least 30 things I could say “no” to in some way, shape or form. So, I’ll start with this clip:
“Just get rid of the crappy stuff, and focus on the good stuff.” This is a profound statement and it applies to everything you do in life. Wow. Just think about your wardrobe for a second. Seriously. You try something on for the hundredth time. It doesn’t look right, or it ah shrunk in your closet. Are you going to wear it? No. Are you going to keep it? The answer needs to be no. Let’s focus on your decorating. You look around your house and realize you have collected far more “things” than you need. Do you love it? No. Are they making your house look better? No. Time to get rid of the “crappy stuff” and focus on the good stuff.
Too often I will save something because it was my grandmother’s or given to me by someone who is no longer around. I’m not talking about heirlooms, I am talking about “stuff”. Christmas decorations, linens, knick-knacks that have no real meaning except for the fact that I feel guilty because of the love I have for that person. I finally realized that the old table I was holding on to just because it was my grandmother’s really could go if I decided it was time. I need to focus on the good stuff…not the guilt. Seriously, it will be okay.
Traditions that are not your own. You know you have them in your family. Why are you continuing to go if you don’t want to. Say no thank you this year and branch out. It will be okay (unless they write you out of the will) and start something fresh. Something good of your own. I know you were tired of that congealed salad with nuts anyway…ahem. She said to no one in particular. Anywho, go forth and focus on the good stuff. The rest will follow your lead.
“A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.” ~Mahatma Gandhi