Self Expression Magazine

Motivational Monday…

Posted on the 20 April 2015 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

So, after a full weekend in Yoga Teacher Training, Monday is usually "catch-up" day. I find myself spending too much time trying to reciprocate on Twitter, FB, Instagram, Pinterest or wherever I feel like I have not kept up. Then I realized that I had neglected connections on here. The actual blog. This is where my heart was/has been/is. The connection that I make to my readers is actually the thing I value the most. If you go way back to my first posts, it's about establishing a connection to you through my life with invisible diseases.

It did morph into a holistic type of connection...mind, body, social fan page, because I felt like we needed a variety of ways to stay in touch; however, please know that if you comment here, like here, share here, this is where I feel it the most. My blog to me, is like ripping parts of my soul out and pressing it onto paper for you to read. At first, it hurt. It left me raw and exposed to the world. You know I have issues. You know I'm not perfect. You know I'm a hot mess at times.'s okay. Nothing fell apart. I didn't die from this experience. In fact, I think it made me stronger.

So my friends, my message today is simple. Don't be afraid to make real connections. Some will not understand. And that's okay. Everyone is brought into your life for a reason. They all have lessons to teach us, and some might sting. Some might walk away from your life because the truth is just too big for them to understand. The only way to keep on living with that truth, is to remember that being you is the real lesson. Being real. The connections you make out of that are far more substantial. I'd like to end with this piece shared by one of my readers, and hopefully you can read the whole poem. It's still amazing after all this time. If poem, by Rudyard Kipling. Thank you for the reminder friend.

Motivational Monday…

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