Self Expression Magazine

Motivational Monday…

Posted on the 15 April 2013 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

Sometimes, it seems you aren’t really getting anywhere.  You keep inching forward, and you don’t see much progress.  Life.  Relationships.  Finances.  Work.  Health.  You feel like the underdog.  Wait, how is this motivational?  I’ll show you…

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I was driving home from work with my daughter in the backseat when I noticed a tiny, I mean miniscule, little line on my door.  Ohhh, an inchworm I thought.  I must save it.  I told my daughter there was a centimeter worm on the door.  It was so small.  She immediately wanted to hold it, and pet it, and call it George, but I thought it would be umm best if she didn’t.  I got a tiny piece of yellow paper and let George inch err centi on over.  My daughter had my phone and tried to capture him on the paper.  I told her to wait until we got out and I’d try to get a few photos of his release.  I zoomed in after we put him on my pansies and I was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of that tiny guy against the petal.  You are making progress, it is just hard to see sometimes without zooming in.  Keep on taking those baby steps.  I know that because I am doing the same thing.

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”  ~Mother Teresa

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