Self Expression Magazine

Motivational Monday…

Posted on the 21 October 2013 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

I was in a groove, you know what I’m saying.  I was doing everything right and I felt good.  Then whammy.  The little trip to vertigo lane derailed me.  To the point that I lost confidence and that is never a good thing.  So, I woke up, realized I needed to think about all the things that have gone right in my life, and go from there.  Last week, my friend from high school got some wonderful news about her cancer tumors.  They can operate.  Tears of joy.  Cancer can be beat back.

My tiny one celebrated her birthday and got her ears pierced.  My oldest is a good kid, and middle school might be hard for some, but she is so focused on school work she doesn’t let anything bother her.  I called my cousin this morning and we had an hour-long chat.  And lastly, I have NOT gotten a rejection letter in quote some time.  Okay, so I have only ever gotten one because I wasn’t sending my work out there, but now that I am, I am expecting the letters.  Only this time, this time, I know I have a good story and if they don’t think it works for the children’s magazine, I am thinking of tweaking it and making it longer.  I really loved the research and could definitely make it a chapter book.

I sent in one of my other children’s pieces and have not heard back.  Supposedly it can take months.  I am new at this and have no idea what I am doing, so I need a system to remind me where I sent what.  I will eventually get on that.  Back to motivating…I helped four people with their businesses lately.  Two run their own locally, and two are internet based.  Yes, I am doing it for free.  It doesn’t bother me.  I inadvertently ummm helped my child’s cafeteria monitor last week, and then went to the AP about a new way to monitor behavior there.  Okay, so I am a fixer.  I can’t seem to stop being a teacher.  I see a problem and it would literally make my skin crawl if I didn’t try to help.   Sigh.

So today, this is what I said to myself and it stuck.  Here is my motivation for today:

Make it happenProbably 5 other people have said this before, but today, I said it.  I am doing it.  I will work to make it happen.

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