I hope you are enjoying my “giving back” series for November. If you haven’t had a chance to read the previous two posts, please take a peek. There is a quote I read every night before going to bed. I am going to post it in the middle here today and change things up. I know, wild.
I reflect on this quote and ponder if I have “found myself” yet. I don’t want to miss my chance to help others, and keep wondering if I am missing some sort of sign. One of my friends messaged me last night and said almost the same thing. Maybe it’s our age…30 something, with me closer to the next decade this errrrm week actually. I will be…wait for it…39. There. I said it. So I am doing quite a bit of reflecting on what I have done in the past and if I could have done anything different. I don’t think I could. So, my motivation for this today is to embrace everything that has led me to this one point in my life, and reflect with happiness that I did the best I could in any past situation. A wise man told me he discovered a secret. I don’t know if he would want to be named or not, but I really like what he told me, so here it is:
Another great lesson in life is to fully know that at any given moment a person does the very best they can, given what they have been taught, their experiences, knowledge and state of mind at the time.
This is a simple truth because if people were able to do better, they would have, i.e. it was the best they had at that moment.
Sometimes their “best” doesn’t match our, or societies, standards but it was all they had when they opened their bag of life skills and looked in.
I read this 5 times or more and let it sink in. I am so glad he said that to me even if I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear it at that particular moment. So not only are people doing the best they can, but you are too. So if you haven’t “found” yourself yet, that’s okay. We are all doing the best we can.